Equipter Articles

How to Stay Positive Amidst Adversity: An Interview with Aaron Beiler

Written by Rose Boettinger | September 6, 2022

When asked how roofing company owners can stay positive in today's industry, Aaron Beiler, Equipter President and former roofing business owner, advises implementing these three tactics:

  1. View challenges as opportunities.
  2. Look beyond success.
  3. Value your relationships.

How can you stay optimistic about the future of your roofing business? Find out what Aaron has to say about these three concepts and how they can help positively impact your roofing business here. 

How can you view challenges as opportunities?

Challenges are inevitable, but they don't have to be setbacks.

"When the challenges do come in business," Aaron says, "view it as an opportunity. If we handle this correctly, something good's going to come out of it."

He explains, "Some people may be overwhelmed by challenges and may not respond to customers appropriately. The way you handle difficult situations can set you apart from your competitors."

Mistakes happen. It's how you handle fixing them that can influence your company's reputation. Customers are impressed with job site managers and business owners who are quick to fix their frustrations without causing friction in the business-to-customer relationship.

Developing or investing in an innovative solution to an ongoing issue can help prevent customer frustration.

"Pre-Equipter, we often faced damaged shrubs and cluttered flower beds. So my sons and I set out to find a better way. That's when we came up with the idea for the Equipter."

What does it mean to look beyond success?

According to Aaron, contentment is key. It's important to set goals, but obsessing over them can lead to frustration. Money and positive reviews aren't the only things that matter in life. 

"If business success is your main passion, your main source of fulfillment,  you set yourself up to be disheartened."

In this life, business success is not guaranteed. To stress over achieving it can lead to contamination of your professional and personal relationships.

"So we enjoy success and we walk with that vision," Aaron says, "but it's not what drives our life."

How can you find value in your relationships?

Relationships aren't always directly related to business success, but they can certainly influence it. Healthy relationships can change the way you view life, which helps provide a more positive outlook on how you manage your roofing business and interact with customers.

Here are three key ways to find value in relationships, as recommended by Aaron: 

  1. Enjoy spending time with your family. 
  2. Strive to be the best friend you can be...the best husband, the best wife, the best child.
  3. Look for ways that you can find fulfillment in impacting others in a positive way.

As President of Equipter, Aaron finds joy in walking through the shop and connecting with his employees.

Every Thursday, Aaron's wife provides lunch for the whole company. This gives Aaron another opportunity to build deeper relationships with Equipter employees and also gives the employees a chance to get to know one another.

"I'm enjoying life because I value relationships and I make relationships a priority. And that's where you're finding fulfillment."


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