Equipter Articles

4 Old-School Roofing Marketing Tricks You Should Dust Off | Equipter

Written by Amy Wagner | September 16, 2016

Facebook! LinkedIn! Email! Infographics! Blogs! No matter where you turn for roofing marketing tips—including here on the Equipter blog—you’re often bombarded with arrows pointing you toward the power of digital marketing. And there’s no question: digital marketing is key to placing your roofing company in front of customers’ eyeballs.

But don’t forget to also capitalize on old-school marketing tactics to help grow your contracting business.

Direct Mail

No, direct mail is certainly not dead! For example, one survey found that almost 80% of consumers make a move because of direct mail as opposed to digital advertising methods. These marketing pieces, whether they’re newsletters, postcards, or in some other form, give consumers a tangible piece they can read, hold on to, or even pass to a friend who was just complaining it was time to get a new roof. Well-designed direct mail, like marketing materials from the New Roof No Mess program, is a smart way to overcome inbox overload and stand out from the roofing pack.

Business Cards

Small but mighty, the business card is a visible, portable reminder of your roof replacement company. Include a business card with most, if not all, of your paper correspondences—even invoices. Don’t hesitate to give a few extra cards to the people you meet throughout the day either, so they can hand them out for referrals.

Printing companies, like VistaPrint, offer plenty of options that deliver a professional look without draining the marketing budget. If you’re searching for a higher-end business card, consider using a local printer or a company like MOO, which offers high-quality paper and professional-quality images.

Promotional Gifts

Most of us probably associate promotional gifts with marketing for home shows or trade events. However, a relevant promo gift can make an impact any time. For example, a salesperson might leave a promo gift along with print marketing materials during a sales call. They also make good thank you gifts, which can add to the exceptional customer experience that leads to referrals.

Branded promotional gift ideas for roofing include:

  • Yardsticks or tape measures
  • Magnets with measurement conversions
  • Flower seed packets
  • Ear plugs
  • Safety goggles
  • Cookies in construction shapes (We haven’t personally used this cookie company, but check out its roofing promo cookie ideas!)

Don’t forget promos for kids. A roofing salesperson could give away branded goodies, like small footballs or play construction helmets. (When you’re in a prospect’s home, it’s always a good idea to ask the parent first if you can give a child a promotional item.)

In-Real-Life Networking Opportunities & Events

Small business owners and managers get a near-constant barrage of tips telling them to make connections on professional sites like LinkedIn. While there’s value in digital networking, tap the power of face-to-face time as well.

Join a local chamber of commerce or other business groups. If you’re unsure which business groups are worth your time, talk with other entrepreneurs or owners in your area to find out what they would recommend.

Another option is to check out a coworking space. Coworking facilities are shared office spaces occupied by a range of businesses. Even if you have a dedicated office for your roofing business, consider taking your laptop or tablet and working out of a coworking space a few times a monthmany of these facilities offer affordable day passes. Coworking allows you to connect with local business owners and often gives you access to business-related events, such as workshops or lunch-and-learn sessions.

In the past while our new facility was under construction, some Equipter team members spent time coworking out of The Candy Factory in Lancaster, PA. Find out what Sam Beiler and Josh Beiler say about coworking.

We have plenty more info on marketing for roofing companies peppered throughout our blog. What old-school roofing marketing tips or tools have worked for your contracting company? Let us know on the Equipter Facebook page!