Equipter Articles

5 Construction Website Design Tips to Boost Conversions

Written by Amy Wagner | November 8, 2017

Your construction website isn’t just something you publish because it’s what you’re “supposed” to do. Instead, it’s a powerful sales and marketing tool that can drive conversions⁠—if you invest the time to use a few simple best practices. Use these construction website design tips to boost your online conversion rates:

1. Keep CTAs above the fold.

Whether you want a construction prospect to call for a free quote or download a white paper, they can’t take that action unless they actually see the call-to-action (CTA). Make the most of your ask by keeping the call-to-action button above the fold⁠—in non-designer speak, that means keep the CTA where it’s visible at first glance, without the need to scroll to find it.

2. Incorporate engaging content.

High conversion websites give the target audience⁠ valuable, relevant information in all stages of the buyer’s journey. That quality content educates, informs, and builds trust with your audience. Say the word content though and most people’s minds turn to written blog articles. In reality, engaging content can be written or it can be in the forms of infographics or video.

For example, if your construction company uses an Equipter RB3000 trailer or a CR8000 series crane, posting video of the equipment in action on your company website shows that you have the system and tools to get the job done quickly and professionally. When you outshine your competition with those assets, you're likely to see an increase in conversions.

3. Give your brand personality.

You may operate in the realm of dirt, concrete, and machinery, but prospects want to give their business to living, breathing human beingsnot faceless corporations. Consider that in one study, content paired with a high-quality, compelling image snagged 94% more views than content with no image.

Use images or videos that feature your construction crew in action. Stock photos can be appropriate when they’re relevant and high quality; however, you can make your construction business feel more approachable by featuring images of your team and/or clients. If you don’t have those photos, seek recommendations for a local pro photographer or videographer who is able to take them for you⁠—it may be more affordable than you think.

4. Respect the 8-second rule.

Most web design experts say that you have about 8 seconds to grab a buyer’s attention when their eyeballs land on your site. That means your construction website’s design should use elements designed to grab attention instantly. Some effective elements to consider include:

  • Simple, bold headlines that highlight benefits your customers receive (e.g., terms like “save,” “learn,” “speed up,” etc.)
  • Calls to action with clear requests (e.g., “download now,” “call for a free quote,” etc.)
  • Large, noticeable CTA buttons
  • Easy-to-find basic contact information/form

5. Watch those website load times.  

We’ve all hit a “back” button or clicked off a page because a website was taking a painfully slow time to load. One study found that each one-second delay in load time reduced conversions by about 7%. Don't let your construction website suffer slow load time. Good site design practices that reduce load time include:

  • Optimizing images by reducing their size
  • Using caching plugins
  • Turning off plugins you aren’t using

If you’re not well-versed on website design, learn ways to improve speed by checking out this article or by talking with your website designer.

Your construction website design is a powerful tool⁠. Make sure you're using all its elements to your advantage by optimizing it to convert!