Equipter Articles

5 Must-Know Selling Tips for Roofers

Written by Amy Wagner | January 10, 2018

Successful roofing sales takes more than a winning smile and positive attitude. If your team is going to keep your roof replacement company at the head of the competitive pack, it needs to bring its A-game to every pitch. These selling tips will help them close the deal and help you build a better bottom line.


Your roof salesmen should know:

How to convey a professional image

Just because roofing is a dirty job doesn’t mean the sales crew should look worse for wear. It’s critical to make a first impression that conveys your contracting business is professional and trustworthy.

Ensure salespeople understand the importance of wearing clean, preferably company branded, clothing. The sales team’s hands and shoes should be clean, too, to prevent making a mess in the prospect's home. Also, it’s a wise idea to lay down a mat or other protective material if they’ll be displaying shingle options on, say, a dining room table. These may seem like small things, but it’s these tiny differences that can make you shine among the competition.

How to conduct a roof inspection

Whether the salesperson works on their own or in tandem with a dedicated roofing inspector, getting on the rooftop--and taking photos of the issue--is a good way to start building trust with a homeowner who likely has very little knowledge about roofing. Use the photos to identify potential trouble spots for the prospect.

How to listen to the homeowner’s pain points

From working on a tight budget to worries about damage to their prized roses, homeowners have unique concerns. A successful salesperson will listen to those pain points and tailor the presentation to position your roofing crew as the best solution.

For example, if you incorporate an Equipter into your material handling process and a prospect expresses concerns about property damage, a salesperson can take extra time highlighting the benefits of an RB2000 container or RB4000 container over traditional roofing methods. Video of an Equipter container in action is ideal for winning over clients worried about property damage and material messes.

How your roofing crew works

Clients have confidence in processes. Whether they’re hiring you to repair or replace a roof, they want to know you have a method that gets the job done with efficiency and quality workmanship.

If your salesperson is new to the industry, send them out to jobsites to spend time with the crew. A good salesperson will ask them questions and get to know the roofing process inside and out. The more they know, the more of that valuable confidence they’ll instill in the homeowner.

How to continue learning

Ongoing learning is a must-have for your sales team to stay ahead of your roofing competition. Whether it’s a course on sales psychology or certification in roofing storm damage assessment, encourage them to stay updated on the latest knowledge so they can more effectively connect with and serve homeowners.

Roofing sales team tips like these will help you build a more profitable contracting company. Be sure to also check out 10 Roofing Sales Tips to Raise Your Sales Presentation Game.