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Equipter RB4000 Customer Survey Report

equipter rb4000 customer survey

Roofing is just plain hard work, from the moment you start shingle tear-off until you pack up your tools and call it a day. Removing a homeowner's roof is one of the most difficult jobs to perform. With the Equipter RB4000, it doesn’t have to be. Based on the responses of our customers, we have seen that the RB4000 minimizes cleanup time by 80% or more.

Recently we compiled a survey completed by those who have purchased the Equipter RB4000, and they have reported an increase of productivity by 20-30%. In this report, we share the insights and reviews from people all around the U.S. who have used and are still using the RB4000 and demonstrate how it completely transformed their businesses.

Download This 2016 Report and You'll Learn... 

  • How fast our customers say the Equipter RB4000 can pay for itself
  • How many more jobs you will be able to complete with the RB4000 (based on our customers' responses)
  • The average homeowner's reaction when they see the RB4000 on their property

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